What is Pumpernickel Bagel?
Pumpernickel bagels are a flavor of bagel that is both tangy, sweet, savory and fermented. Bagel are made from a yeast leavened dough and formed into a fat ring shape, with a diameter of 3.5 to 4.5 inches. The color of a pumpernickel bagel is very different from other bagels, due to its dark brown color and denser texture. The texture is also chewy and soft. Pumpernickel has a hint of molasses in its flavor and uses different flour, including rye which has a more robust taste. Bagels can be eaten as is, or sliced and covered with toppings.
All purpose flour comes from wheat and though wheat is cultivated all around the world today, it was first cultivated in Turkey 10,000 years ago. All purpose flour is white in color and has a soft texture. This incredibly versatile flour is used in everything from breads, cakes, pastries, crackers, pasta, sauces and much more because of its pleasing and mild flavor that is slightly nutty and buttery. The gluten protein is what helps hold together breads and other products, part of what makes all purpose wheat flour so popular.
Rye is a grain in the wheat family and is used for baked goods, beer and distilled alcohols. Rye is a grain that produces a darker bread than a fully wheat based bread. The flour is finely milled and has a pale tan/cream color. The flavor is earthy, nutty and full with a hint of sweetness. Rye flour makes hearty, dark loaves of European style bread.
Water is a substance and chemical compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen. It is clear, fluid, flavorless and odorless. Water is a necessity in nearly every aspect of life, including cooking, baking and hydrating the human body. Water can be served as a cold beverage, or at any temperature comfortable to the mouth and skin.
Molasses is a thick syrup-based sweetener and can be made from sugarcane, sugar beets, pomegranate, sorghum, carob and dates. In the US, sugarcane and sugar beet varieties are most popular and is made by boiling down the juice of these plants into a thick, dark syrup. The flavor is rich and sweet. Light molasses is milder in flavor, while blackstrap molasses has a bitter edge. Pomegranate and sorghum molasses are made in the same way. Pomegranate is another popular variety and has a dark red color and a fruity tartness. Carob and date molasses need additional ingredients to extract the flavor and syrup. Molasses is often used in baked goods, but can pair well in sauces and certain savory dishes.
Cocoa powder is made from the fermented and dried cocoa bean and ground into a delicate powder. This powder is extremely fine, brown and tastes earthy like cocoa. It is bitter until sweetened and used in many baked goods and some savory dishes. Cocoa is a key ingredient in brownies.
Vegetable oil is obtained by extracting oil from seeds. Types of vegetable oil include canola, sunflower, corn, and safflower. Light and with a neutral taste, vegetable oils are used to fry foods, or can be used to lightly coat meats and vegetables before roasting. Vegetable oils are also used as ingredients in salad dressings and sauces.
Coffee powder, more commonly known as instant coffee is made by one of two methods. The first is freeze drying liquid coffee and extracting the moisture. The second is by spraying the coffee into hot air and as it settles, the coffee dries and becomes a powder. Instant coffee is granulated, or powdered and has a dark brown color with a wonderfully chocolatey, floral, nutty and rich aroma. The flavor varies depending on the type of coffee bean and the roasting process. Water is added to the powder to create an instant cup of coffee.
Caraway seeds are tiny seeds with a thin, gently curved body and earthy brownish grey color. They are collected from the caraway plant that has many edible parts, including roots and leaves. These seeds have a flavor that is reminiscent of fennel and anise, though stronger and less sweet. They are commonly used in European and American breads and soups.
Yeast is a single celled organism used in food and beverage production. It both naturally occurs and is added in to certain foods such as breads, beer and wine. Specific kinds of yeast are used to add depth of flavor to savory foods. Yeast is usually sold as tiny beige granules. It leavens bread, ferments beer and imparts a satisfying umami flavor.
Salt is a mineral composed mostly of sodium chloride. It is the main flavoring used in food and is naturally occurring in certain foods, such as cheese, beets, meat and celery, plus many others. Salt is white and has finer granules than sugar. Many commercial salts include iodide, while others exclude it. Most salts are white, while some are naturally pale pink with minerals. Salt brings out the flavor of something and can create a tangy mouthfeel, if used in excess.