What does Francese Sauce Taste Like?
Sweet is one of the five main tastes. It has smooth and round notes in its flavor profile. Sweet is a naturally occurring flavor in many foods, including fruits, berries, winter squashes, sugarcane, and honey. The sweet taste in these foods is due to a higher sugar content. Sweetness is characteristic of desserts and is used as an accent in savory foods.
Sour is one of the five main tastes. It is tart and bright, sometimes with a mouth-puckering quality. Sour is a naturally occurring flavor found in many foods, including citrus, vinegar, various dairy products, and certain fruits. Sour is used to enhance a dish or drink and is used as both a main and complimentary flavor.
Water is a substance and chemical compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen. It is clear, fluid, flavorless and odorless. Water is a necessity in nearly every aspect of life, including cooking, baking and hydrating the human body. Water can be served as a cold beverage, or at any temperature comfortable to the mouth and skin.
White wine is an alcoholic beverage made mainly from green, white or yellow grapes. Red grapes are occasionally used. The wine goes through a fermentation process before bottling and potentially aging. Common white wines include Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay. White wine is a pale yellow color and varies in shade, depending on the kind of wine. The flavor is milder than red wine and has less tannins. White wine can be sweet or dry and range across many flavors, including fruity, citrusy, floral, minerally and oaky. The ABV hovers between 12.5% - 14.5%. It is best served cool.
Butter is made from churned cream, usually from a cow. It has a cream color and a texture that is smooth and melts easily. The flavor is mild and creamy. Butter is often sold in square sticks, or as a flat or round block. It is delicious on bread. It pairs better in baked goods than salted butter, due to its more neutral taste. It also makes an excellent cooking fat.
Canola oil is a popular and readily available oil in America, due to its inexpensive price and neutral flavor. Canola oil comes from the rapeseed plant, the oil is pressed from the seeds and has a yellow color. It is a thin oil that is best for medium high heat, such as sautéing, though is commonly used for deep frying. Canola can be found in baked good, salad dressings, and a vast variety of food products.
Additives are added to food items in small quantities to improve the flavor, change the texture, enhance appearance, or preserve the item. Additives are both natural and artificial. Natural additives have been used for a long time, while many artificial ones were discovered in the 19th century. There are numerous artificial additives including soy lecithin, guar gum, ascorbic acid and sodium nitrite.
Capers are a bud that grow on a bush that is picked before it flowers. They are tiny and an earthy green tone with a round, or fat oval body that can get up to 7mm in size. Their skin is smooth, or with soft lines. The texture is semi-soft with a very briny, piquant taste and a hint of lemon. Capers are often sold in saltwater brine, though they are tastiest when dry-packed in sea salt. These tiny buds add tremendous flavor to seafood and pasta dishes and, are versatile across a range of cuisines.
Cornstarch is obtained from the endosperm of the corn kernel. This is the main body and juicy part of the kernel. Cornstarch is a fine, white powder with a squeaky texture and neutral flavor. It is used in many foods, particularly in America. Cornstarch makes an easy thickener for liquids, such as sauces and an excellent binding agent for baked goods. In the 1800's cornstarch was used for starching laundry, making the clothing appear stiff and professional.
Chicken stock is made by simmering chicken bones, vegetables and seasonings, such as herbs and salt. This combination is set to simmer for 6-8 hours. The result is a thin broth with a golden color and a meaty, vegetal and comforting flavor, with hints of salt. Chicken broth is used in many dishes and is a main ingredient in soups and stews.
Sugar comes from sugar cane and sugar beets. The sugar is extracted from the juice of both plants and refined into the granulated substance known as sugar. Sucrose, the sweet substance of sugar is a combination of glucose and fructose. White sugar is composed of tiny white, dry granules. The flavor is sweet and neutral. Brown sugar is brown and has more moisture, with a richer flavor that hints at molasses. Sugar is used in both sweet and savory foods.
Lemons grown in warm and sunny climates. In the US, they are a little smaller than a tennis ball. They have a zingy and citrusy taste that is sour and bright. The rind is yellow, textured and shiny. The yellow of the rind is called zest in cooking and used to flavor food. The pith, the white part of the lemon is bitter and not commonly eaten, though edible. The yellow pulpy and juicy flesh is used the most and adds a bright citrus flavor to any dish. Lemons are popular in many cuisines worldwide.
Lemon juice is made from the flesh of the pulpy yellow lemon fruit. The juice is squeezed from the flesh of the lemon and is a pale yellow color. The flavor is very sour and bright. Lemon juice is used in multiple cuisines around the world to brighten and enhance the flavors of the other ingredients. Lemon juice is used to make lemonade and goes well on fish. It has many uses.
Salt is a mineral composed mostly of sodium chloride. It is the main flavoring used in food and is naturally occurring in certain foods, such as cheese, beets, meat and celery, plus many others. Salt is white and has finer granules than sugar. Many commercial salts include iodide, while others exclude it. Most salts are white, while some are naturally pale pink with minerals. Salt brings out the flavor of something and can create a tangy mouthfeel, if used in excess.
Parsley is an aromatic herb with slender green stalks and sturdy, small green leaves. There are two common types of parsley, curly parsley and Italian flat leaf parsley. Italian parsley has a more robust flavor than curly parsley. Though each type tastes green, spicy and vegetal, with a hint of bitterness. Parsley is used as and herb to flavor dishes and as a garnish.